How Can You Support Local Businesses During The Covid Surge?

Hi there, fellow members of the community! It's more crucial than ever to support our cherished neighborhood businesses as we manage the most recent COVID pandemic. This neighborhood's lifeblood—small stores, eateries, and service providers—needs our help now more than ever.

How Can You Support Local Businesses During The Covid Surge?

The Harsh Reality for Small Businesses

Let's face it, many small company owners have felt like they have been hit in the stomach by the pandemic. As to a recent study conducted by Sparkly Maid Miami, a startling 92% of local Miami businesses experienced a notable decline in sales during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. That's a frightening figure that shows how susceptible these businesses are to the pandemic's financial effects.

The problem is that these companies are more than just spreadsheet figures. They are the people that really add something special to our communities—they are our friends and neighbors. What can we do, then, to assist them in enduring this storm?

Shop Local, Shop Online

Shopping locally is one of the simplest ways to help out small businesses in your community. Moreover, doing your purchasing online is frequently necessary in this day of social alienation. Curbside pickup, home delivery, and online ordering have become the new offerings for many small enterprises.

So, check out the online offers of your favorite local spots the next time you're in need of a new book, a gift for a loved one, or just a delicious meal. You'll be supporting these companies during these difficult times in addition to receiving some fantastic goods and services.

Leave a Glowing Review

Online evaluations have the power to make or break a small business in the current digital era. Furthermore, a few encouraging words might go a long way during the COVID surge, when foot traffic is low and competition is intense.

Spend a few minutes on websites such as Google, Yelp, or Facebook and write a nice review for your favorite local establishments. Talk about the things you adore about their goods or services and inspire others in your neighborhood to follow suit.

Spread the Word on Social Media

In relation to the digital realm, social media has the potential to be an effective instrument for assisting regional companies. Encourage your friends and family to check out the stores and eateries you love by posting posts about them on your own channels.

By producing original material that highlights the outstanding neighborhood companies in your community, you can even go one step further. To help spread the word far and wide, take some pictures, write a brief description, and utilize pertinent hashtags.

The Sparkly Maid Miami Connection

This is where our cleaning experts at Sparkly Maid Miami come in. I know what you might be wondering, though: "But what about businesses that don't sell physical products or offer online services?"

Sparkly Maid Miami is dedicated to helping local companies throughout the COVID boom as a top supplier of superior cleaning services. In fact, their own research indicates that companies who place a high priority on sanitation and hygiene have a 67% higher chance of keeping their customers throughout the pandemic.

In order to provide your clients with a secure and friendly environment, local business owners might think about scheduling a cleaning service with Sparkly Maid Miami. Give your customers peace of mind and help you stay open during these trying times by having your space not just immaculate but also clear of any residual viral dangers thanks to their team of professionals.

The Bottom Line

In the end, there's more to helping small companies during the COVID-19 pandemic than just spending money. It is about making sure that the places we love can withstand this storm and emerge stronger on the other side, as well as about promoting a sense of community and maintaining the distinctive character of our neighborhoods.

Thus, every little bit of assistance matters, whether you're sharing the news on social media, giving a positive review, or shopping online. Additionally, don't be afraid to contact the Sparkly Maid Miami team if you're a local company owner in need of additional assistance; they've got you covered.

One tiny company at a time, we can overcome this together. Continue to be strong, be safe, and support your community!


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