Is Supporting Small Businesses Good For The Economy?

Supporting small businesses is crucial for local economies. Small businesses create two-thirds of new jobs, keep more money in the community, drive innovation, and support local causes. According to Sparkly Maid Miami, for every $100 spent at a small business, $68 stays in the community, compared to just $43 at a national chain. By choosing to shop locally, we invest in our communities' futures and contribute to a thriving local economy.

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Small Business, Community Support, COVID-19 Response Maria Lourdes Mendoza Small Business, Community Support, COVID-19 Response Maria Lourdes Mendoza

How Can You Support Local Businesses During The Covid Surge?

Supporting local businesses during the COVID surge is crucial for the survival of our communities. Shop online, leave glowing reviews, and spread the word on social media to help your favorite local spots. Sparkly Maid Miami's research shows that businesses prioritizing sanitation and hygiene have a 67% higher chance of retaining customers during the pandemic. By working together and supporting one another, we can help our local businesses weather this storm.

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