Is Seattle Population Declining?

Hi there, Seattleites! You've probably heard that the good ol' Emerald City might be losing some of its residents nowadays. Well, being a proud resident of the very same Emerald City, I decided I had better check into this. So grab that coffee (or maybe a craft beer—we do live in Seattle) and settle in.

Is Seattle Population Declining?

The Numbers Don't Lie: Seattle is Still Growing

Setting the record straight, Seattle is still gaining residents. From July 2021 to July 2022, our city added about 5,900 people at a growth rate of 0.8%. Sure, it may not sound as explosive as the growth we've seen in the 2010s, but it still is enough to rank us 13th for growth among the 50 largest U.S. cities.

Also, let's put this in perspective. While Seattle's growth has tapered off some, most major cities have now gone negative. We're talking New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, even tech hubs like San Francisco and San Jose. So, I'd say we're doing pretty darn well.

What's Causing the Slowdown?

Now you must be thinking, why has the pace of growth been dampened, after all? Well, experts point to a couple of reasons:

  • High cost of living, especially in terms of housing. Let's be honest: Seattle really isn't the place to look for cheap real estate.

  • With respect to the migration initiated by the pandemic to suburban towns and smaller cities, there are those who felt that during lockdown they really needed the extra space.

  • A slowdown in tech hiring and a series of layoffs at companies like Amazon. That's technology for you, always a bit of a rollercoaster.

Despite these downsides, Seattle's strong economy and high quality of life keep attracting people. I mean, have you seen our beautiful natural surroundings? The active culture? The great food scene? No wonder people want to live in Seattle.

The Suburbs Tell a Different Story

Here's a strange twist: Even as Seattle's population was up last year, the rest of King County was actually down by about 4,000 residents. Cities like Bellevue, Federal Way, and Kent all saw their populations shrink.

So what does this mean? Essentially, Seattle's modest growth is making up for losses in the surrounding suburbs. It's a reversal of the pandemic trend of people leaving urban cores in search of more space.

The Verdict: Seattle is Still Thriving

So there you have it, folks. Despite the rumors and the slower growth rate, Seattle is still a city on the rise. We're adding residents while other major metros are losing them, and our diverse economy and high quality of life continue to attract newcomers.

To top it off, if you already have a lot of pride for your Seattle, there are small ways to show even more love for your city. Such as having a deep clean of your home. If you're overwhelmed by the idea of a really thorough clean on your own, not to worry—there are great deep cleaning services in Seattle ready to pitch in. A one-time deep clean or maid services can be arranged regularly with these pros to get your home looking as fresh and new as when you moved in.

Ultimately, I think that we could all agree Seattle really is quite a remarkable place. So let's welcome the growth and change, let's keep our homes and city clean, and really welcome our new neighbors with open arms. The future looks bright in the Emerald City!


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