How To Clean A Balcony Without Upsetting Neighbors?

How To Clean A Balcony Without Upsetting Neighbors

 Aside from being so convenient if you live in an apartment building or high-rise condo, it really does take a bit more added consideration when cleaning so as not to disturb anyone living below your unit. A few simple tips and the right gear can make it easy to keep your balcony sparkling clean while maintaining the balance of being a good neighbor.

Gather Your Supplies

Before you get started, make sure you have all the necessary cleaning tools and implements at hand. These may include a broom and dustpan, mop and bucket, sponges or scrub brushes, mild detergent or cleaning solution, and towels or rags.

Avoid hosing it down or using a pressure washer, as the dirty water might splash balconies below. Bring out the mop and bucket instead.

Remove all furniture, plants, and decorations from the balcony. This might be a good time to clean these items in preparation for bringing them back. Shake out or vacuum any mats or rugs. If the floor of the balcony is concrete, use a hard-bristle broom to really sweep off the dirt and debris. Gather up debris into small piles, and everything that is gone should be into a trash bag wherever you do not sweep it off the edge of the balcony.

Rinse surfaces

Pour a light solution of warm water with dish soap or floor cleaner mixture. Coat the mop with the solution, making sure to wring out properly. The mop condition has to be damp without causing any drops. Mop over the floor of the balcony without causing a slosh over the sides. Use a sponge or soft scrub brush to clean the walls, railings, window sills, and glass. Wring out mop or sponge often so you don't let dirty water run off the edge. For stubborn stains, use proper cleaning methods: Rust stains: Apply laundry detergent and let sit, then scrub and rinse. Leaf stains: Mix 1/2 cup dish soap in a bucket of warm water, pour over stains, scrub, and rinse. Grease stains: Commercial degreaser product.

Oil stains: Sprinkle baking soda, talc powder, or cornstarch to absorb, then scrub with dish soap.

Mold/mildew: Carefully dab or spray with diluted bleach, let sit for 15 minutes, then scrub and rinse well.

After mopping, empty the dirty water down an interior drain, never over the edge of the balcony. Use old towels to soak up remaining pools of water to prevent drips.

Finishing Touches

Allow the balcony to air-dry completely before replacing furniture and decor. You may want to place out some towels around the perimeter of the balcony below to catch residual drips.

Do not shake out mats, tablecloths, or cushions over the edge of the balcony. Shake dirt off your broom over a trash can, not over the edge.

Balcony Etiquette

In addition to your balcony cleaning considerately, follow these balcony etiquette guidelines to be a good neighbor:

  • Do not let your pets use the balcony as a bathroom area.

  • Secure furniture from wind.

  • Do not use the balcony as a storage area.

  • Respect quiet times.

  • Obey building rules in regards to BBQ/grill use.

  • Do not ever throw garbage, cigarette stubs, or any other object overboard

With due cleaning and considerate behavior, you will enjoy a clean outdoor space without causing disturbance in the surrounding units. A little consideration is better than a hundred complaints in a harmonious living environment within the entire building.

 Since a balcony is also a living area, the urge to decorate it is natural. Decoration of balconies could make the modest living space become a cozy retreat in which one can relax and enjoy the open. Although while decorating the balcony with home decorations the person needs to consider how this would impact the neighbors and respect local building regulations.

Selecting Plants Balcony-Friendly

Choose plants that will enjoy life on your balcony. Take a walk out to your balcony at various times of the day to learn how much total sun it gets before picking plants that will be happy in your space. Hardy, low-maintenance greenery in the form of succulents, herbs, and small flowering plants is to be selected. Not only will such plants bring some charm to your balcony, but they will also purify the air and create ambiance. For those interested in a professional touch to their living spaces, consider Deep Cleaning Seattle for an immaculate and refreshing home environment.


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