How Do You Clean A Second Floor Balcony?

How do you clean a second floor balcony

Does your apartment balcony look a little worse for wear? Balconies are exposed to elements all year round and therefore get quick accumulations of dirt, grime, mold, and the toughest of stains. But by using the right methods and cleaning supplies, you can give your outdoor oasis a thorough cleaning to make it clean and comfortable for relaxation and entertaining. Follow the ultimate step-by-step guide on how to clean your balcony properly.

Clear the Clutter

First, completely clear the balcony of all furniture, flowerpots with plants, decorative elements, and all storage items in the balcony. This will make it easy to work on a blank slate and ensure you are able to get into each corner as you clean. As you clear everything off the space, give the items a quick wipe down with a damp cloth before bringing them inside.

Sweep Away Debris

Sweep the entire balcony floor with a stiff-bristled broom or exterior push broom to remove loose dirt, leaves, cobwebs, and debris. Be sure to give extra attention to corners, crevices, and the door threshold, as that is where gunk tends to accumulate. Have a dustpan at hand, along with a garbage bag, to dispose of easily. If you have a small balcony, then a handheld vacuum will also be useful.

Wash the Floor

Now, after sweeping off the superficial waste, you are all set to clean your balcony floor.

  • Take a large bucket and fill it with warm water. Add a squeeze of dish soap or any mild all-purpose cleaner. Alternatively, you can also use a mixture of warm water and white vinegar.

  • Sweep your balcony using a mop, sponge, soft-bristle scrub brush, or stiff-bristle broom. Let this soapy water lie there on the surface for a few minutes before scrubbing. And for corners, just use a toothbrush to draw out grime.

  • Sweep the floor, then clean it with clear water. For an enclosed balcony, you will want a clean mop and a bucket of fresh water or a watering can. With open balconies, the best way is using a garden hose equipped with a spray nozzle. It's quickest, but be careful not to splash downstairs neighbors.

  • Let the balcony floor dry completely before putting back any furniture, mats, and decor. You can quicken the drying time by squeezing out any excess water.

Remove Rust Stains & Leaf Stains

The rust stains on metal railings and the leaf stains on the balcony floor can be a little more sensitive. Here is how you remove them:

  • For rust stains, mix some warm water with a powdered laundry detergent to paste form, apply it directly onto the rust marks, let it sit for an hour, scrub with a stiff-bristled brush, and then rinse clean.

  • For leaf stains and tannin marks, squirt some dish soap right onto the stain. Scrub it vigorously with a sponge or brush, then let it sit for 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water, scrubbing until the stain is gone.

Pressure Wash for Deep Cleaning

For some serious deep cleaning, you may want to pressure wash your balcony floor, walls, and ceiling. A powerful spray of high-pressure water blows away any built-up dirt, debris, and stains—all with minimal elbow grease on your part. You can rent a pressure washer from most home improvement stores. Just be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for safe use and wear protective gear.

Clean the Windows, Doors & Railings

When cleaning your balcony, don't forget the windows, sliding doors, and railings that open onto your space. For a streak-free shine, clean windows with glass cleaner by spraying and then wiping down with a clean microfiber cloth, squeegee, or lint-free paper towels. For railings and door frames, use warm soapy water and a soft sponge or cloth, then rinse clean. If you're looking for professional help with more extensive cleaning needs, consider reaching out to Deep Cleaning Seattle. They specialize in thorough cleaning services that can help maintain all areas of your home, including those tricky outdoor spaces.

Seal Concrete Floors

If you have a concrete balcony floor, you should apply silicone-based concrete sealant after cleaning and when the floor is totally dry. A good penetrating sealer will help in repelling water so as not to stain in the future. It will also ease future or regular cleaning. Look for a product that is designed for exterior concrete use and apply according to the instructions.

Set Up a Regular Cleaning Schedule

For a balcony looking fabulous throughout the year, cleaning should be frequent. This should include sweeping up the rubbish and cleaning the floor at least once every month. Stains, droppings from birds, and grime build-up must be noted and attended to immediately because, if left to sit for long, it's hard to remove.

If you need a balcony cleaning, contact us immediately! With these tips and some elbow grease, your apartment balcony will look like new again; it will be fresh and welcoming so you can enjoy the outdoors. Take out your cleaning equipment and get to work, because a shining balcony awaits you! Happy cleaning!


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