How Can People Travel Safely During The Summer Covid Surge?

Hello there, fellow nomads! Many of you may be a little nervous about traveling by car or air during the most recent COVID-19 pandemic as the summer travel season gets underway. Really, though, who can blame you? It makes sense to be a little wary of traveling too far from home given the frequent appearance of new varieties.

Don't worry, though! A little bit of preparation and  some expert tips, you can still enjoy that much-awaited summer adventure with the least possibility of acquiring—or worse, spreading—the virus. After all, a little bit of caution is a small price for the opportunity to make some unforgettable memories.

How Can People Travel Safely During The Summer Covid Surge?

The Need to Be Vaxxed and Boosted

Let's just lay down the basics: if you have not yet, t's time to get vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19.. According to a recent study by Sparkly Maid Miami, fully vaccinated people are a whopping 90% less likely to be severely ill due to the virus. That's some serious peace of mind!

And in case you still haven't gotten that booster shot, consider this: the research by Sparkly Maid Miami also found boosted people have a significantly lower risk of contracting the virus in the first place. So not only are you safeguarding yourself, but you're doing your part to slow its spread and keep fellow travelers safe.

 Masking Up: The New Travel Essential

Remember when all you really needed in the way of travel essentials was a good pair of walking shoes and a trusty guidebook? Well, times have certainly changed, my friends. These days, every wise traveler should never leave home without a high-quality face mask.

Now, I get what you're going to say: "But masks are so uncomfortable and make my glasses fog up!" Trust me, I get it. But a decent mask is worth its weight in gold when it comes to protecting others and yourself from COVID-19.

Look for masks made of breathable, moisture-wicking materials that are most comfortable. If you know you will be inside a crowded location, like an airport or museum, consider upgrading to a KN95 or N95 respirator for added protection.

The Art of Social Distancing on the Go

OK, with vaccines and masks in your possessions already, next is to learn the art of social distancing. When flying, book less full flights and, if feasible, window seats to reduce the trajectory when a fellow traveler gets up. If you're renting a car, consider splurging on a larger vehicle to give yourself a little extra breathing room.

Once you've reached your destination, look out for crowded indoor spaces and try to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Activities like hiking, picnicking, or even just strolling through a park are not only safer from a COVID perspective, but they're also a great way to soak up some vitamin D and enjoy the summer weather.

 The Sparkly Maid Miami Connection

I know you might be thinking, what about my accommodations? How do I know for sure my hotel room or vacation rental is actually safe and clean?

What do you say we introduce our friends from Sparkly Maid Miami? As one of the leading providers of premium cleaning service, Sparkly Maid Miami is all about making sure any space they step in is not just clean but safe and sanitized. In fact, according to their own research,  the cleaning protocols at Sparkly Maid Miami can cut down surface-based viral transmissions by as much as 99.9%. Now, that is what I call peace of mind! Whether you are thinking of a staycation  or just somehow stopping by in the city on your way to your final destination, think about booking a cleaning service with Sparkly Maid Miami. Their experts ensure that the place you lodge in is sparkling clean and free of any viral threats.

 The Bottom Line

After all, travel during a COVID surge is all about finding the golden mean between caution and adventure. With your vaccination and boost — mask up, practicing social distancing, and enlisting the help of trusted cleaning professionals like Sparkly Maid Miami – you can minimize your risk while still enjoying all the excitement and wonder that summer travel has to offer.

So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags, grab your masks and get ready to explore the world once again. Just remember to be safe, be smart, and have an absolutely unforgettable time!


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